ESI Consulting

ESI Consulting

Electronically Stored Information

It’s estimated that organizations’ electronic information is growing by 60 percent a year—compounded by the volume of data being retained for compliance, business intelligence, and data protection purposes. If you are required to produce any of your electronically stored information (ESI), it’s imperative that you know at any given time where it’s stored and how to access it, while having the best processes in place to execute discovery.
The Fortis Data team blends litigation support expertise with real-world technology experience to help you plan for and manage your information. We are here to help you navigate the volumes of data your organization is accumulating, and create a proactive plan and process to ensure your company is litigation ready.
With the highest level of professionalism, the Fortis Data team brings years of experience working on litigation cases for both legal and corporate clients. We know how to effectively implement processes and tools to provide optimal value on every project. With the innovative tools developed by our industry experts, and the industry knowledge provided by our consultants, we use an established, seamless process to manage, communicate, and handle ESI.

Early Case Assessment

Early Case Assessment
The Fortis Data team recognizes that each project and case is unique. With the volume of data growing and the cost to manage it burgeoning, it’s critical that companies take the right steps early to reduce unnecessary costs and mitigate risks.

That’s why we work closely with you from the beginning to conduct a thorough assessment of your specific needs. While this assessment Fortis Data the information that’s central to your case, our experience also shows the importance of navigating the discovery process using a proven strategy—one built upon a framework of transparency, flexibility, and constant communication.

Litigation Case Readiness

Litigation Case Readiness
With approximately 90 percent of U.S. corporations facing some type of litigation, it’s incumbent upon today’s businesses to be litigation ready. Fortis Data team of legal industry consultants and technology experts help organizations prepare for litigation in a proactive way. And by working directly with your technology infrastructure teams, managers, and executive leadership, we can effectively create and implement a plan tailored exactly to your organization.

More specifically, Fortis Data conducts a litigation readiness assessment to give us deeper insight into the nuances and needs of each organization. Our expert consultants then draw from this information—in combination with our proactive processes and proven best practices on litigation preparedness—to illuminate and remove any exposures that may exist in your data management operations. We’re here to work alongside you every step of the way to prepare your organization for litigation.